To demonstrate their financial integrity, companies occasionally undergo an accounting and financial audit. The financial state of a company must be examined to ensure everything is in order and to identify any potential errors. If your company needs to conduct a financial audit and you are not carefully monitoring your inventory of recycled material, you will not know what you have, making the job much more difficult. Additionally, every company must carry out an annual inventory.
You run the risk of being penalized, in addition to wasting a lot of time. Moreover, poor management of your material stocks negatively impacts the smooth operation of the company and the sustainability of revenue.

In this regard, Second Cycle has specialized in the use of drones as a measurement tool to meet inventory needs in order to provide accurate and precise information required by accountants to prepare the organization’s financial statements. With professionals on its team, Second Cycle is capable of certifying its inventory reports through its engineers who are registered with the Engineers Association for its clients. Indeed, using photogrammetry software, the images captured by the drone are used to generate a three-dimensional representation of raw or residual material piles, or the area itself. This technique involves capturing a series of aerial images of an object or area from different viewpoints and then reconstructing an exact 3D replica of the scanned piles or area. This 3D representation will display the piles or area as a model that can be observed from all angles. By conducting regular inventories, you will have visibility into your stocks within your organization and find new ways to increase profits and improve operations.
Do you want to have a comprehensive and accurate inventory of your materials?
Contact us toll-free at 1-833-280-2828.