Industrial sources of greenhouse gas emissions include manufacturing, food processing, mining, and building. Direct emissions are produced by a variety of processes, including on-site combustion of fossil fuels for heat and power, non-energy usage of fossil fuels, and chemical processes used in the manufacturing of iron, steel, and cement. In addition, the centrally generated electricity that industry consumes emits indirect emissions. The industrial sector accounts for about a large portion of total electricity sales in Canada.

A GHG emissions reduction strategy can follow the following path :
- Calculate the carbon footprint of your activities;
- Create metrics to track the progress of the plan;
- Define the strategy and the orientations. The company will then be able to develop a reduction and/or absorption strategy.
Energy efficiency, fuel switching, combined heat and power, renewable energy, and more efficient use and recycling of materials are just a few of the ways the industrial sector may minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Many industrial processes lack a low-emission alternative, necessitating carbon capture and storage in the long run to reduce emissions.
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